Monday 16 May 2016

Lighthouse Isla in Amsterdam

My new Olympus Pen was well used on my recent trip to Amsterdam with my boyfriend, Rhys. I haven't got the fashion blogger poses mastered just yet but I wanted to show off my new Lighthouse 'Isla' Waterproof Coat in Watermelon.

A quick weather check while packing the day before, (why do I always leave things till the last minute?!), showed light rain mixed in with sunny days. So I packed this Lighthouse coat just in case, it's super lightweight and flattens right down so took little space in the suitcase.

Luckily, we didn't see too much rain but this coat was perfect for the light showers. It's comfortable and is very breathable while walking around.

The Isla coat is very stylish for something so practical. I went for the Watermelon colour choice, as it makes more of a statement paired with a plain outfit. Pull strings help nip in the waist and the hood can be unrolled from the collar.

If you like brands like Boden and Joules, you'll love the Lighthouse brand.
How do you balance stylish but practical clothing?
*PR sample

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